By Zunesis / July 27, 2016 / backupdisaster recoveryDRZerto
Have you heard about Zerto? More importantly, are you using Zerto? Zerto is taking the IT world by storm, providing a simple, yet fully functional, replication and data protection Disaster Recovery (DR) solution. What makes Zerto so unique is its simplicity. Zerto Virtual Replication 4.5 was recently released, and this blog provides […]
READ MOREBy Zunesis / July 18, 2016 / 3PARdata storageflashflash storagestoragestoreserv
I’m sure there will be no surprised reaction when I state that we live in a data driven world. For proof you have to look no further than the people around you as you go throughout your day. Unless you’re hiking through the desert, you’re going to see many people with their heads down, looking […]