From Challenges to Improvements

As the saying goes April Showers Bring May Flowers.  Better yet, the IT hurdles of 2020 brought much needed improvements in technology today.

As we all know, the dark days of 2020 caused much chaos and angst across the world. It affected industries and people in a myriad of ways. The IT industry was, of course, not omitted from the all-of-the-sudden-problems. Leaders in the industry scrambled for answers and resolutions to issues that seemed to arise overnight.

The beauty of hardships, however, is that they create resiliency. The silver lining from 2020 is that issues of yesterday bring knowledge and technological enhancements of today. Namely, we are dealing with improved security, flexibility of remote working, and the much-anticipated receipt of previously purchased goods.


Ransomware boom of yesterday creates new and improved security features of today

In the world of IT, if we are not growing and changing, we are dying. Evolving is a major part of the industry. This is partly due to the nature of the beast. In this case, it is also due to the people and crisis that threaten company and individual livelihood – otherwise known as ransomware attacks and cyber hackers.

A few (of many) advances in technology that have taken off over the past few years are:

End users:

  • Multi factor authentication
  • Fingerprint scanners to unlock devices
  • VPN’s


  • Single Sign On for apps/devices
  • Trusted platform module
  • Infosight style management platforms (more streamlined and easier to use alerts and logging, automatic updates, proactive alerts and patching)

Randomized MAC addresses:

  • Originally introduced by Apple, this new feature randomizes your MAC address when connecting to wireless connections.

Now, of course, much of the above was around prior to 2020, but the focus on making these things higher quality with increased functionality has taken off.


Chaos of enabling a remote work environment creates flexibility and improvements to company policy

Creating a remote work environment is not easy. It’s not easy when you have the time and resources on your side to do-so, but without thorough planning to execute, it seems almost impossible. Aside from lacking time and resources, we can’t forget about the difficulties in getting our hands on the needed technologies to make this happen too.

As companies struggled to work through the difficulties of enabling a remote work environment in 2020/2021, we are now able to reap the benefits of IT’s hard work.

Positives that have come from a rushed remote set-up include:

  • Flexibility that has come from the ability to work remote if need be
  • Change in (some) corporate policy – leaders identifying that often times, employees are more productive at home
  • Knowledge of a remote set-up – Now that, for the most part, companies have learned how to create a remote work environment. They have already either completed the procedure on how to do this, or at least gotten a taste of what needs to be done. The learning curve is less steep.


Supply chain issues – your patience of yesterday is being rewarded with the goods of today:

In 2021, depending on the product and the manufacturer, some customers were waiting in line for goods to arrive anywhere from 3-12 months out from the purchase date. Some of the many challenges with this, include :

  • Public Sector entities that, due to rules and regulations, require product onsite before fiscal year-end
  • The need for product to arrive immediately in order to enable a remote working environment
  • Technology refresh cycles being pushed out, which of course causes security issues and can threaten support needed on any given product

In 2022, we have slowly started closing the gap between purchase date and arrival of product. Though we are not to the finish line quite yet. Again, depending on product and manufacturer, we are seeing ship dates creep back down. The most exciting thing about shipment of product that you bought 12 months ago? You likely finally have that in your hands, and that’s a great feeling! Companies are becoming more familiar with how to handle this (Purchasing further in advance, changing the way we timeline future projects, and understanding the right questions to ask when it comes to support on product).

The silver lining is alive and well and the hope is that we only continue to grow past the hardships of yesteryear! Reach out to Zunesis today to find solutions to help your organization bloom.








Zunesis, Inc.
12303 Airport Way, Suite 100,
Broomfield, CO 80021
(720) 221-5200

Las Vegas
6671 Las Vegas Blvd S
Building D Suite 210, Office 260
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(702) 837-5300

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