By Zunesis / September 23, 2021 / hpe pointnexthpe pointnext tech carehpe supportsupport
Hewlett Packard Enterprise recently started transitioning their support offerings from HPE Foundation Care and Proactive care to HPE Pointnext Tech Care. This new service goes beyond problem identification and resolution by helping customers get the most from their HPE technology. New innovations include fast multi-channel access to product-specific experts, an AI-driven digital experience, and general […]
READ MOREBy Zunesis / January 7, 2021 / maintenancerenewals
Centrally Manage Your Maintenance Contracts Maintenance contracts are supposed to deliver peace of mind. Yet, when you have dozens of contracts with various vendors – all with different renewal dates, they can quickly become a headache. We work with our customers to identify what hardware, users, vendors, and services are covered, as well as those […]
READ MOREBy Tom Savage / October 29, 2020 / auditdata and storage refreshdata center refresh
Feeling of Uncertainty I know a professional blog site is not usually where you will see personal revelations about the author’s current state of mind. I am going to go against conventions and tell you where I am in life. I am somewhat trepidatious about what the future holds. Now I know that to some […]
READ MOREBy Stacy Lara / July 30, 2020 / advisory servicesIT Health check
How Does Yoga Compare to Your IT Health Check? Whether you have practiced the art of savasana or not, you will soon understand how sweet the benefit of laying still can reboot your whole system. I know what you’re thinking, “I can lay still, I can sit and do nothing!” When I started practicing yoga […]
READ MOREBy Zunesis / January 6, 2020 / digital transformationfirmwareransomwareresource utilization
What’s on Your Mind? 2020 IT Needs It’s 2020, the holidays are over and you’re back to managing your organization’s IT needs in support of their core initiatives. So, what’s on your mind? For many of our Clients, this can be summed up by three questions: Are we adequately protected against Ransomware and can […]
READ MOREBy Zunesis / January 6, 2020 / digital transformationfirmwareransomwareresource utilization
What’s on Your Mind? 2020 IT Needs It’s 2020, the holidays are over and you’re back to managing your organization’s IT needs in support of their core initiatives. So, what’s on your mind? For many of our Clients, this can be summed up by three questions: Are we adequately protected against Ransomware and can […]
READ MOREBy Zunesis / June 7, 2019 / hardware supporthpe renewalsrenewals
In today’s fast- paced environment, it is easy to forget about your hardware support and renewals. With a maintenance and support agreement in place, your organization can avoid costly outages and loss of productivity and time. This enables you to focus on more strategic business objectives. When You Renew Remember, when […]
READ MOREBy Zunesis / June 7, 2019 / hardware supporthpe renewalsrenewals
In today’s fast- paced environment, it is easy to forget about your hardware support and renewals. With a maintenance and support agreement in place, your organization can avoid costly outages and loss of productivity and time. This enables you to focus on more strategic business objectives. When You Renew Remember, when […]
READ MOREBy Joe Tressler / May 30, 2019 / microsoftwindows 10windows updates
History of Windows Updates Microsoft Windows has been a staple in the PC industry for over 30 years. Who can forget the oldies but goodies (not including server or mobile versions): • Windows 1.0 – 2.0 (1985-1992) • Windows 3.0 – 3.1 (1990-1994) • Windows 95 (1995) • Windows 98 (1998) • […]
READ MOREBy Zunesis / February 20, 2019 / HPE Proactive careIT supportpreventative
Didn’t you just love the music from the 80’s? Of course, I did! That was the era in which I got to dress in my neon clothes and put as much Aqua net as possible to my hair and party like its “1999”! Just like the great Janet Jackson said in her famous 80’s […]