As we move into a new year with new budgets and new plans, we are finding — no big shock — that IT budgets are being cut YOY. One way that many clients are looking to overcome this decrease in funding is through leasing, rather than buying, equipment.
Could this approach be right for your organization? There are many pro’s and con’s to both sides, and the decision of whether to lease or buy should be thoroughly researched and the options seriously weighed.
At Zunesis, we have been down both roads more times than we can count; and we’d love to share some of our knowledge and lessons learned with you. Contact us, or give your account manager a call, to schedule a meeting today.
Or, if you prefer to do your own research on your own time, download our free white paper where Tom Savage, our Inside Sales Manager, discusses the benefits and drawbacks of both options as well as tells you the questions you need to ask in order to determine which direction is the best for your organization.
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