HP, Intel, and Microsoft Make Mobile Better, Together


3-way excellence amplifies advantage for the mobile world.

It takes a village to raise a child. It takes a team to win a championship. And it takes teamwork between three of the most advanced technology innovators to provide superior solutions to today’s workforce that make both the super cool and stylish mobile worker and the IT department happy.

Allow me to explain:

DevicesToday’s workforce is more mobile than ever before. In fact, 62% of today’s workers work from more than one location. Another fun stat? Today’s workers carry an average of 3.1 devices everywhere they go. What does this mean? Well, a lot of things. For one, apparently both genders need to start carrying purses to help us keep track of all of our devices. For another, employees have the flexibility to work from home, from the road, even from a plane. Not only are they working from anywhere, they’re also working anytime. Gone are the days of 9 to 5. Today’s workers have the access and ability to work wherever and whenever.

Mobility has become the new norm, and users expect their mobile working experience to be just as good – in some cases, (gasp!) even better – than the in-office experience. Naturally, those of you in IT are well aware that mobility presents a multitude of challenges; but for now we’re going to focus on one: security. How does IT guarantee that all 3.1 devices per user are secure from intrusion or other security threats regardless of where those devices are used and what network they are connected to?

And the winner is (drum roll, please) teamwork!

  • HP (Who likes to keep reinventing.)
  • Intel (Who wants us all to experience what’s inside.)
  • And Microsoft (Who likes to empower us all. Although, apparently there’s no consensus on their current tagline, so we’re going with an oldie but a goodie.)

These 3 companies have pooled their resources and expertise to build a series of laptops, tablets, and desktops that raise the bar for commercial PC’s. They call this the Elite series from HP, which seems like an appropriate title.

EliteBook FolioWhat’s truly incredible about this series is that it makes both sides happy: the super cool and stylish mobile workers we talked about earlier as well as the IT department (that we also talked about earlier).

These PC’s not only look marvelously sleek, but they also include the smallest and lightest commercial-grade laptops on the market. (Phew! At least this means that we can all have smaller purses to hold our device collections.) But I did say “commercial-grade,” so IT is happy too. This series is heavily secured and comes with built-in enterprise-class capabilities. Best of both worlds.




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