Weather Won’t Ruin Productivity with Remote Access

Denver just got hit with a huge snow storm, and there’s plenty more where that came from this winter. I noticed while slipping and sliding my way to work yesterday that there were very few other cars on the road – unusual for 8 a.m. on a Tuesday. That’s because in today’s world of technology, employees can work just as well from the safety of their homes as they can from the office. When icy roads hit, they can avoid braving the streets and still get just as much done. 
However, in order for this to be a viable option, someone has to make sure that remote access is working…. 
The ability to function at a high level from remote locations has become a need over the past several years. Working offsite has helped countless companies to allow their workers to tend to sick children, evade driving in horrible conditions, or just to take some time away from the office while still getting work done. 
As you might imagine, at Zunesis, we spend much of our time working remotely for one reason or another. Therefore, we are experts at providing remote access solutions for our clients. From basic VPN solutions, remote desktop, or VDI solutions, we can make working remotely/remote access work for you. Whether your company has one employee or hundreds, there is a need and a solution for you. 
Remote accessIn our always-connected world, working remotely can take many forms: working from a plane, train, or car while en route somewhere, or working from a coffee shop or your home office. It could mean working from the beach, from the ski resort, or from your grandma’s house over a holiday weekend. In addition, BYOD could also become an option at the office.  
Being that there are so many options for remote access, listing all of the different options would get boring in a hurry. Instead, we would like to offer a moment to talk about what we can offer to make sure that you’re ready for the next snow storm (or any type of disaster).  
Let us:

Work with your IT department to plan a remote access solution for you. This will include all the documents on how to connect and use your remote access solution. We can even train your staff.

Health check your existing solution for remote access.  If it can’t handle the demand when employees need to work remotely, it won’t help you on bad weather days. Certain companies lost hours of productivity during the last snow storm due to the inability of their remote access systems to handle the extra work load. We can test and verify your existing solutions to make sure they are up to your company’s needs. 

Help prepare you for the next snow day or DR emergency. Under many circumstances, you and your employees will have a pretty good idea of when you will need to be working remotely.  There is no need for anyone to have to run into the office to troubleshoot or turn on remote access.   
We can help make sure you are prepared and don’t have the same issues you did with the last snow storm. After all, it’s only December, folks. We’ve got a lot of winter left.




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    Zunesis, Inc.
    12303 Airport Way, Suite 100,
    Broomfield, CO 80021
    (720) 221-5200

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    Building D Suite 210, Office 260
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