Habits of Highly Successful People

What Does it Take to Be Successful?


Some may think it’s luck or genetics but there may be more to what makes successful people actually successful. As we all try to succeed in this busy, ever changing world, the mystery eludes many of us on how we can achieve success in our lives. Many books, blogs and articles have been written about what makes successful people tick. What was found was that a lot of their lives revolve around habits of routine, attitude and determination. Most are simple habits that anyone can take on in their lives without a major overhaul.





Believe it or not, most successful people are avid readers. Warren Buffett reportedly spends 80% of his day reading. Tech billionaire Elon Musk taught himself how to build rockets through reading.


Successful people are life-long learners. They are constantly educating themselves through books, academics, life experiences and more. The saying is true that knowledge is power when it comes to being successful.




It is not only important to exercise the mind but also the body. Successful people know that to perform at their top level they need to be in good shape. Personal finance author Ramit Sethi said that the number one thing that successful people have in common is exercise.


Gratitude and Humility


They are more than willing to admit their mistakes and apologize. They are confident in their ability but not over confident. They give credit where credit is due and acknowledge the work of others. They also show gratitude for those that help them learn and achieve their goals and objectives. A thank you note or email can go a long way when earning the respect of a fellow team member. They also take pleasure in helping others succeed.


A Different Viewpoint


When many people may look at a situation as a problem, successful people look at it as a lesson. They are often solution focused and look for and find opportunities when others may see nothing.


Complaining is considered a waste of time and just puts the situation in a negative and unproductive state. They also do not blame and take responsibility when for their own actions or outcomes.


They choose to align themselves with people with similar viewpoints. Ones who understand the importance of working as part of a team and creating solid relationships.


Communication is key and they work at it every day of their lives.




Yes, they may have financial success but they realize that is not everything. They have a balance in their lives and have identified their own personal core values and do their best to live a life which is reflective of those values. They also know that their career is not their identity and know when to take the time to relax and enjoy what they have in life.


They also understand the importance of discipline and self control and work to manage their emotions. They understand the importance of working the tough items in life that most people try to avoid.


The Finish Line


While many may begin a multitude of projects, successful people finish what they started. They typically look for the best way that provides the best results over the long term vs the easiest solution. They set high standards for themselves which in turn usually produces greater commitment, work ethic, momentum and results.


Procrastination is not a word in their vocabulary. They don’t believe in fate or destiny to shape their future. They rely on their on work and often try to be proactive vs reactive.


Most of all, they practice what they preach. They live this reality of constantly learning, respecting themselves mind, body and soul, looking to ways to accomplish goals in their life and never giving up.


What daily habits do you have that impact your success every day?


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