Cowabunga! IT with Turtle Power!

We recently put out a quiz that lets you know what kind of IT Superhero you are. (If you haven’t taken it, go take it now! ) The personality types we highlighted in this quiz, and their respective IT superheroes, got me thinking. It all reminded me of another famous comic team who was a huge part of my childhood: The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. The parallels were pretty shockingly accurate and represents the colorful personalities we interact with in our industry every day.


The “Leonardo”- The IT Leader.


LeonardoLeonardo is the eldest brother and represents the most traditional line of IT experts. Known to take charge, lead by example, and be the most in-line with traditional Ninja teachings.  People in the IT industry that fit the “Leonardo-type” have often times been in the game the longest. This type of IT leader will typically be very experienced in dealing with IT solutions and want to do whatever necessary to keep their organization up and running, however they are often more averse to change or implementing strategies they are unfamiliar with. They are proponents of traditional infrastructure processes as much as Leonardo is a proponent of traditional Ninja methodology.




The “Raphael” – The IT Rebel


This type of IT professional is seen frequently in our industry. They often work diligently at assisting, and sometimes opposing, with the Raphael“Leonardo types” and this strongly parallels the “Leader/Second-in-command” friction seen in the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles hierarchy. Though Raphael can sometimes come to blows with his authoritative figures, he is frequently instrumental in getting his team to succeed by going against the grain. Raphael is known as the turtle most likely to push back against “the norm” in order to achieve a common goal. “Raphael-types” are a common facet of the IT world and are very important in persuading their leaders and peers into pursuing previously underutilized avenues.




The “Donatello”- The IT Wizard


DonatelloOften the most calm and easy to get along with…assertiveness is not needed by Donatello as his brains and enthusiasm for technology do the heavy-lifting. “Donatello-types” are naturally gifted when it comes to new developments in technology. They are often found on the cutting edge of the industry and can help champion new gadgets and methods that they want to see their organization take part in. Much like Donatello, these tech-pioneers are on the forefront of all the latest advances in IT and really know their stuff. Be sure that you are ready to keep pace with them!




The “Michelangelo”- The IT Character


Michelangelo is the youngest and “most fun” member of the Turtles. His easygoing and talkative nature is a refreshing attribute to the TMNTMichelangelo and he helps lighten the mood in tense situations. Much like the youngest Ninja Turtle, “Michelangelo-types” can be a welcome addition to any IT team. Amidst in-depth conversations of high-level topics like funding and infrastructure solutions, a “Michelangelo-type” can be a great contact person to dial things back down and push conversations forward. Just keep on top of them and work “WITH” them. If you can stay laser focused on this kind of IT professional, the “Michelangelo-type” will be your best friend!



The “Master Splinter-The Decision Maker


SplinterThis archetype represents CEO’s and Presidents of companies. They have the final say when it comes to approval of infrastructure solutions. Although they may not be directly involved in the IT discussions, their opinion matters! Just like Master Splinter.








The “April O’Neil”- The Influencer


Reporter, April O’Neil is instrumental in giving the turtles a window to the outside world. She updates them on news from the surface, while alsoApril presenting the turtles in a positive light to the scrutinizing media. This represents our vendors. We go to bat for them to drum up business and champion their products. In return they are advocating for us and ensuring we have proper visibility with all our current and future clients at every turn! We couldn’t do it without them!




The “Casey Jones”- The Contractor


Casey JonesWe do everything possible to take care of our customers, but sometimes we need a little help! Just like Casey Jones who frequently steps in to assist the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles when things get sticky, sometimes we team up with outside engineers and contractors when another set of hands is needed. Together, we deliver!





This is just a small sampling of some of the characters we interact with, in our world of IT, and hopefully gives you a little better glimpse into what we do. None of these aforementioned descriptions should be considered concrete. Just a broad overview of the tech-spectrum. The important thing is learning how to work with each personality type and find solutions to problems.


Cowabunga, dude!!



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