Mid Year Resolutions

We officially have hit the half way point on the year. You may be thinking wasn’t it just January? Or, how has the year flown by already? As many businesses and individuals do each year, we set up resolutions, projects and/or goals to achieve or tackle in the coming year. Resolutions often have a negative connotation to them of being unrealistic goals that most give up on and are considered a waste of time.


Is There Light at the End of the Tunnel?


Did you know that typically only 9% of those resolutions are kept or followed through by this point in the year? As you still see a pile of projects on your desk and deadlines that have not been met, you may be thinking is there light at the end of the tunnel? Can this year still be a success when it comes to achieving your resolutions or goals?


The truth is that many resolutions are often unattainable or need to be modified over time. As you delve into a project that you started at the beginning of the year, I’m sure there were bumps along the road. Possibly other things were discovered that took your project into a completely different direction. Besides giving up on the rest of the year and the goals that you set, what can you do that won’t result in you having a nervous breakdown or having a feeling of being an epic failure?


Mid Year Resolutions


What can you do at this halfway point?


  1. Sit Down and Evaluate: Review what progress that you have made in the first 6 months of the year. Are the goals you set for this year still relevant for your company? What challenges have you come upon? Take a truly objective look at the state of your current workload in the office.
  2. Break it Down: Write down your current goals and our projects and prioritize them all by importance and relevance. Some goals may have already been accomplished this year. Some may no longer be important in the grand scheme of things.
  3. Look at the Past: Ever heard the saying that history repeats itself? Sometime that can be a good thing.What did work for you and your company and/or department? Why did it work? What can you learn from it? How can you use these lessons for future endeavors?
  4. Celebrate the Mini Milestones: Maybe you haven’t finished your big project yet or accomplished your major goal but recognize what you have accomplished. You are more likely to achieve the larger milestones if you recognize these smaller milestones along the way. Also, you can usually get more productivity from your staff when they feel encouraged and appreciated. Negativity is usually not the answer when trying to move a project along in your company.
  5. Training: Is your staff well trained? Can you trust them to take on a project from start to finish? Review your team and see what inefficiencies may be prevalent that can impact your department/company succeeding for the rest of the year.
  6. Get Laser Focused: What are your top priorities for the remaining six months of the year? Delegate the appropriate items to your staff and set markers for accomplishments that you want to finish. Put your needs before your wants and prioritize your valuable resources so that you are not wasting valuable time.
  7. Future Meetings: Are you finding not much is being accomplished at your business meetings? Know what you want from future meetings and what needs to be achieved in them. Make sure they are a valuable use of time and think about if the meeting is necessary for your project to succeed.
  8. Quality Assurance: As you may have noticed bumps in the road in the first half of the year, have you set up checks on your team’s work? Are you looking for bugs and having others critique each other’s look? Setting up a process to review items along the way may save valuable time and money.
  9. Act to Solve Problems Rather than React to them: Instead of reacting to situations, take a moment to think about what can I do to solve this situation?
  10. Ask for Help: Swallow your pride and ask for help when needed. There may be a way to resolve a situation that you may never thought of or knew could work. Research to see if what you are proposing is the best way to go. Projects take detours all the time and sometimes the road less traveled may lead to success. Be open to new ideas and ways to do things.
  11. New Projects:  You may have decided that there is a new project that needs to be tackled in the next six months. Make sure you clarify the who, what, where, when, how much, etc before you jump into this next project. The devil truly is in the details.


We all ultimately have the same goal at the end of a year, that we can look back and say “Look what I accomplished!” Take the time to reflect on what has changed, progressed or saved time and money. The key to reaching your goals this year may just be in taking baby steps along the way and taking the time to evaluate what is working and what is not. Be realistic on what can be achieved and ask for help along the way when needed. Realize that no person, department or company is perfect.



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