Sales During these Unprecedented Times

Hello? Is it Me, you are looking for?

Are you “staying safe out there”? Adapting to “the new normal” in these “unprecedented times”? Are these recent quarantine-induced clichés getting on your nerves? Well, you are not alone!

I am not mocking anyone who uses, or has used, the above verbiage. If you are reading this and happen to use those, or similar, phrasings in your daily jargon…trust that I mean no disrespect. I will, however, caution you that some of the current post-pandemic nomenclature has been overused to the point of near exhaustion in a very short amount of time.




How do I know this? Well for starters…I am a salesman at our company. I do not hold a title that would suggest I am an upper level decision maker.  Looking to change your internet provider? Not, my area. Need a new window-cleaning company? Again, not me. Office snacks? I enjoy eating them but again, not my area. Yet I am still bombarded with dozens of calls and emails, every day,  by companies trying to sell me, or Zunesis, something.


Sales Call Solicitation Overload

I noticed a huge influx in these solicitations the last 3-4 months. I understand that this timeline matches the countrywide shutdown.  People were consequently being more tenacious than ever to find opportunities. Their desire was to supplement any business that was disrupted as a result of quarantine.

I can’t even imagine what my inbox would look like if I had “CEO”, or “CIO”, or even “Property Manager” in my title. As a matter of fact, I’ve spoken to customers and colleagues in aforementioned positions. They have confirmed that recent contact attempts, from various salespeople and organizations, have exponentially increased. They also confirmed the over-saturation of “pandemic lingo” . How, ultimately it has grown tired in the last few months.

At the end of the day…I get it. The demand for sales generation is at an all time high. After all, I too am in sales. A significant portion of my job involves getting in front of as many people as possible.  I want to get my name out there to contacts and potential customers who have never heard of me, or the company I represent.

The question is: “how?”. The “how?” has always been a recurring question in the world of sales. It takes on a new meaning when the question now is “how do I not become ‘number 27’ in a list of 100+ emails that all propose how to ‘stay the course in these strange times’?”.


What Works?

Well, I’m not going to pretend to have all the answers. As I said, I’m a salesman too and I believe there’s no “correct” method. What I DO know is what I would like to see if I was the one being targeted. No matter what titles we hold, we are ALL consumers to one extent or another.

So, I implore: if you were being solicited by an individual or organization, what would you like to see? I know for me, personally, I like fun advertising that makes me feel happy, at ease, and like I’m not being “sold to”. I also love nostalgia. When I think of all of the TV and radio ads of the 80’s and 90’s,  they were dynamite! Fun video montages, memorable monikers, and most of all, insanely catchy jingles. Say what you will, I promise that you could have ZERO INTEREST in some of those 90’s products and still get their jingles stuck in your head for DAYS! For example, I’ve never eaten “Pac-Man Cereal” in my life but I know that catchy little song, from the commercials, by heart! (“You can open wide, gobble up the ghosts that are hiding inside!”) Now THAT’S powerful advertising!


vintage 80s ad

Spice Things Up!

Since the mandatory quarantine created a lot of down time, I figured I had nothing to lose by creating some type of advertisement that would appeal to ME. So…I reached out to, Chris DeMakes, lead singer and guitarist of 90’s ska-punk giants Less Than Jake. To my great surprise, not only did he get back to me right away…he was totally onboard with helping me create a custom tune for myself and Zunesis. I told him I wanted it to evoke the TV and radio jingles that ran rampant in the 80’s and 90’s. After sharing a few of my ideas with him,he came back with an amazing ska jingle. It was everything, and more, that I could have hoped for.

After putting together a little video to accompany the song, I unleashed my ad onto the world. The response has been overwhelmingly positive.


See what I did there? I just got you to watch my ad. Boom! It may have been a bit contrived….but I got you. Hahahaha. See, it works!

I’m just kidding, but the point remains the same. They say “insanity is doing something over and over and expecting different results”. Well my thoughts are “if you want to get your name out there, amidst the craziness, you got to spice things up!”.


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    Zunesis, Inc.
    12303 Airport Way, Suite 100,
    Broomfield, CO 80021
    (720) 221-5200

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    6671 Las Vegas Blvd S
    Building D Suite 210, Office 260
    Las Vegas, NV 89119
    (702) 837-5300

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