What’s ahead in 2019 for IT Spending?

IT Spending Trends and Figures for 2019


I felt like Rip Van Winkle when I woke up on January 1st, 2019. Seriously? Already 2019? They’re right, time does fly as you get older.


Thanks to the rotation of our blog batting order, I was tasked with putting together something intelligent by January 3rd. Now, I don’t know about you, but I completely unplugged over the holiday season. It felt great, but I am definitely paying the price for it now.


However, I am starting to feel my brain synapses fire up and thought what better way to start off the New Year by understanding what’s going to happen in 2019 as it pertains IT trends and figures.


Thanks to our friends at Spiceworks this is what we can expect to see in 2019:


Spiceworks - IT Budgets



So, as budgets continue to increase, so does cutting edge technology. Artificial Intelligence is getting scary-refined.


IT Trends for 2019


APNews.com calls out the following IT Trends for 2019 in a recent article:


1) AI and Analytics Merger: Applying AI algorithms to analytics will prove transformative but the complex merger requires a roadmap.


2) Decision Automation: Greater AI and machine learning in enterprise resource planning will empower smarter process changes, minus the human intervention, to drive cost savings.


3) Digital Twins: Digital replicas of physical processes, like production lines, let humans interact with IoT sensors automating asset management.


4) Edge Computing: Data center AI and analytics will deliver more real-time intelligence, anticipating problems and implementing fixes before costly breakdowns.


5) Mixed Reality: The combination of elements of virtual and augmented reality with data analytics will grow in 2019 but will accelerate even faster over the next two or three years.


6) Blockchain Boom: Blockchain uses a shared digital ledger that’s impossible for hackers to breach, making it one of the most-watched technologies of 2019.


7) Cloud Maturity: Thanks to advances in security, more organizations will embrace the cloud generating huge new datasets to inform advanced machine learning.


8) Full-Stack Engineers: Companies will scramble to hire full-stack engineers with AI and analytics skills making this one of the hottest careers of 2019!


Enterprise IT Spending


Now, with that being said, A.I. is still not the biggest driver of company IT spending. Spiceworks, again provides a breakdown of where enterprises are choosing to spend their money:

Spiceworks IT Spending


Hardware is getting old too. Many organizations will need to replace that hamster in the wheel for one who uses vitamin supplements. Security is also a primary concern for enterprises. In fact via Spiceworks, let me just show you instead of trying to spell everything out.


Spiceworks IT Budget Increases


There’s no better time than the present to start thinking about upgrading one’s IT infrastructure. That is, if you haven’t already. And, don’t forget your backup and disaster recovery! Down time can eradicate that IT surplus budget very quickly.


Other challenges for 2019 include:


Spiceworks IT Challenges


So, a lot to ingest for January 3rd. That’s why I kept the content light and more visible. If you haven’t started thinking about your infrastructure, my guess is the information provided will definitely push you in the right direction.


The sense of urgency is here. Large or small companies can benefit by keeping up-to-date and Zunesis can help you with that. We range from Datacenter DataCare programs where we can provide an overall assessment of your current infrastructure (large or small) to Nimble Installations to SAN Migrations.


Father time is not on our side when it comes to expiration dates. Don’t get caught watching the paint dry in 2019. Move on this now!



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