By Zunesis / July 24, 2015 / changes in technologyfear of changetechnology
What in the world does “metathesiophobia” mean? Simply stated, this is the fear of change. The origin of the term is Greek, meta- meaning “change” and -phobos meaning “fear.” We all have fear of change on some level. It is and always evolving; and some of us, more than others, have inherited this trait through […]
READ MOREBy Zunesis / July 9, 2015 / microsoft windows 10windows 10
By now, we have all heard that Microsoft is rolling out another new and improved version of its popular Windows operating system. The new version of Windows, named Windows 10, is set to be released on July 29, 2015. So what does the next generation of Windows offer enterprise and small-to-medium businesses, and is it […]
READ MOREBy Zunesis / June 11, 2015 / HP iLO 4Hp ProLiantsolutions provider
In my last installment of this “Why HPE ProLiant” series, we reviewed HP’s Insight Remote Support capabilities. With this article, we’ll take a deeper look at some of the value-added technology provided through the HPE iLO 4 ASIC. As a solution provider, a common refrain from clients and prospects is that “a server is […]
READ MOREBy Sara Wessells / May 29, 2015 / datacenterdatacenter disaster recoverydisaster recovery assessment
A flood that damages mission-critical equipment is among the worst scenarios a data center can face, offering little hope for a quick fix. On April 13, 2015, the Zunesis team received a “first responders call” from a long-term public sector customer who had the misfortune to experience a broken water main that left their main […]
READ MOREBy Zunesis / May 22, 2015 / it solutionit solution partnermobility
I talked about the critical importance of turning the 70/30 rule on its head in my last post, that the winners in your competitive set are the ones who are able to spend less time, money, and human resources maintaining their current IT environment and more of their resources using IT to create a competitive […]
READ MOREBy Zunesis / May 19, 2015 / data storagedata storage solutionsflash storage
In my last post I wrote about the importance of understanding your current environment before setting out on a search for new data storage solutions. Understanding your Usable Capacity requirements, Data Characteristics, and Workload Profiles is essential when evaluating the many storage options available. Once you have assessed and documented your requirements, you should spend […]
READ MOREBy Zunesis / May 7, 2015 / emerging technologiesemerging technologyemerging technology trends
Strategic technology trends are defined as having potentially significant impact on organizations in the next three years. Here is a summary of a few trends according to Forbes; Gartner, Inc.; Computerworld; and other technology visionaries: Wearable Devices – Uses of wearable technology are influencing the fields of health and medicine, fitness, aging, education, gaming, […]
READ MOREBy Zunesis / May 1, 2015 / active directorydirectory servicesmicrosoft active directory
Anyone who has ever worked with Microsoft’s Active Directory, either as an end user or administrator, has undoubtedly come across strangeness and unexplained occurrences. Active Directory serves many purposes: identity management, resource policy deployment, and user security management to name a few. Active Directory handles its extremely complex inter-workings in a very robust and flexible way. […]
READ MOREBy Zunesis / April 24, 2015 / social iqsocial mediasocial media listening
The ability to form closer customer relationships, stay at the forefront of market trends, and create competitive differentiation comes at a critical time for marketing organizations across all industries. In today’s competitive world, there are too many companies competing in an environment where there are not enough customers. This is especially true for high-tech and […]
READ MOREBy Joe Tressler / April 17, 2015 / it companyIT solutionsit solutions provider
This is a blog about a journey: a journey from being the customer of an IT Solutions Provider to servicing the customer. A journey about taking my perceived thoughts and ideas about the way I should have been treated as a customer and turning them into an action plan or template for the way I […]